Sunday, August 15, 2010

"I love my sister"

"I love my sister" is something that Joey says often.  I know she means it when I get to take pictures like these :)

I think these pics are so sweet and I pray for these lovely ladies daily!  I pray that they have the same great relationship that my sister and I do.  I pray that they find true friendship with each other.  I pray that they encourage and lift each other up. I pray that they hold each other to the highest standard and keep each other in check.  And most of all, I pray that they both come to know the saving power of Jesus so that they will always be together!  I love them and I can't wait to see their love for each other grow!


Holly (me.) said...

Those photos sweetly capture these first sister days. What a treasure trove you are creating between the prayers for their relationships with Jesus and each other, and these pictures that will one day illustrate their shared story.

Liz Rock said...

Your making me cry again! I love these girls too! and I pray all the same things for them!

Laurie said...

oooh....I love that last one so much!!

Michelle Clement said...

Oh my gosh - sweetest pictures ever!! :) They're just too cute!