Monday, March 23, 2009

We went to Greatmother's for a visit!

We went to Greatmother's for a visit over Spring Break!  She lives in Roundrock near Austin.  Unfortunately she wasn't feeling well while we were there, but she said Joey was a great distraction, so I'm glad we were there!  Joey would do stuff and look to make sure Greatmother was watching her!  It was really cute :)

We also got to see my cousins Lindsay and Sam, and Uncle Don and Aunt Paula.  Here is Lindsay playing with Joey...she has mucho baby feaver!!

There are 2 parks in my grandmother's subdivision...this one has a slide with a tree stump on the top...She would peek over and hold on tight!

This is a super cute moment :)  Johnny's a great daddy!

Here is a rare moment where I am in a picture, and not taking the picture!  We went to the Oasis for dinner, and we were waiting for our table, of course Joey wanted to walk around!

This is the Stout family at sunset.  Joey was getting sleepy if you couldn't tell by the look on her eyes :)  Dinner was fun with Uncle Don, Aunt Paula, Lindsay and Sam!  I can't wait to see them again!

The trip was a good one!  We can't for Greatmother to move to Dallas!!!!


Tonya said...

i love all the new pics of joey! she is getting so big, I can't believe she is almost 1!!

Kelli Davis said...

Cute sunset family pic-ola there!
(Did you see what I did there?!? I used a little CZS terminology...)