Wednesday, December 24, 2008

8 months old!

Hi, I'm Joey, and I'm 8 months old yesterday!! I can sit up, pull up on some things, roll like a mad women, smile, laugh, toot just like daddy, reach for the people I love, sleep through the night, take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, hold my own bottle, eat cheerios, play with toys, and talk loud! I recently had to go to the doctor because I was all snotty. I got to take some yummy medicine that I sucked down super quick in fear mommy was going to take it away from me! It was goooooooooooooood, and tasted like bubble gum, well that's what daddy said at least! No Aunt Becky, I cannot crawl yet, but I'm workin on it! I can spin on my tummy in a full circle :) My favorite past times are rolling, hanging with family, pooping, eating, and saying "dada" really loud! It's my first Christmas tomorrow! Not sure what that means yet, but I keep hearing something about Santa and Jesus! I'm sure they are both really great guys, but not as great as my daddy! He's the best! My parents told me they are excited because they get to write me off on their taxes this year. What are taxes anyway? Well that's about it! Here's to another great month of my life! I look forward to many more!

This is me trying to eat Cheerios for the first time! I was a bit confused :)

I like to roll, here I am in mid roll :)

I forgot to mention that I love taking pictures! I smile for most of them :)

I will also put anything in my mouth that you put in front of me! Silly Daddy :)

Here I am with Mommy...I just love her even though we look nothing alike :)

1 comment:

rackersfamily said...

Johnny... wrong bottle! ;)
She is so cute. I hope to get to see her before she turns one!!