Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1 Year Doc Appt

Johnny is off for the Summer, so he had to go to Sammy's doc appointment my himself.  She had to get 4 shots :[  Dr Frank said Sammy looks great...she's growing on her own little curve, and she's no longer worried about her thyroid and development!  She did tell Johnny that Sammy should have 1 more "big" word at her age {no worries till her 15 month visit}.  Her 2 big words right now are mama and dada....the rest is just AHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK....which roughly translated means "give me food NOW!!!!!". 

So here's the stats....
Weight: 16.9lbs {1st %ile}
Height: 27 inches {3rd %ile}
Head Circumference: 17.5 inches {30th %ile}

Johnny did ask the doc if it was ok that our 1 year old eats way more than our 3 year old, and she said that was typical of 2nd kiddos, and said Sammy looked a little skinny, so just keep feeding her :]

What??  Did you say something about food??  I'm the hungry Sammy Monster!!!

We feel so blessed to have a happy healthy little girl!

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