Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Savannah Lynne Luedke

Last Sunday we got to partake in our sweet new niece's baptism!  It was such a special day for the family, and we were proud to visit Johnny's church that he had grown up in to see Savannah Lynne get sprinkled!!  Here are some pics of the little darling on her big day....

I love the inside of this church!  I tried taking a picture of the stained glass on the sides of the sanctuary, but I just couldn't get the lighting right to show you how beautiful it really is, so this view will do :]

Pastor Pete giving Savannah a pep talk :]

Johnny and I sat on the back row and there were placed to plug in your headphones just in case you couldn't hear :]

We were all praying blessings on Savannah while Becky was praying that her sweet kids would be quiet :]  LOL

The proud parents!!!

And of course the proud Grandma and Savannah {#9}

After the service, we had a BBQ at Amy and Stewart's house.  Joey is all about presents so she set them all on the floor and asked Aunt Amy if we could open them :]

Hi Sammer, you sure look cute today!!!

Sweet hugs :]

What a fun day to see Savannah get baptized and also to get some Rudy's BBQ in my belly! Congrats to Amy and Stewart...may God rain down blessings on Miss Savannah Lynne and the entire Luedke family!!!  Love y'all!!!

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