Sunday, October 28, 2007

Belly Bummer.....

Ok, everyone take a deep breath, now push your tummy out as far as it will do the reverse, when you take in that breath, suck that tummy in. If you just accomplished this amazing task, that is more than I can do! Sure, I can bulge my tummy out with the best of them, but when it comes to sucking in, I can no longer participate :) Ahh, the things you find out while waiting for your cheerleading teams to compete :) On another note, I came home today from our competition to find that my Hubby and Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law had busted their booties to get our crown molding up in the house!! It looks great, and I am amazed at their craftsmenship! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! One less thing to do before this bundle of joy arrives!! Can you believe it's only 6 months away??

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

That time of year.....

For those of you who live in the DFW area, how excited are you that the weather is actually cool these days? This has nothing to do with our baby, so if you are reading for that purpose, I'm sorry. This small entry is to let the world know that I, Christy Stout, have officially moved from Frappachinos and Iced Mochas to Hot Chocolates, and Hot Mochas! All decaf of course, but none the less I have switched! It was so great to have my belly warmed this morning to the tune of a Tall Decaf Zebra Mocha from my beloved Starbucks! Here's to a great winter! If only I could Snowboard pregnant :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monthly Appointment

Today I had my first monthly OB visit. I was prepared to be in the office for a while just based off of the last 2 appointments we had been to. I walked in, signed in and was called in :) I got weighed and I have lost 2 lbs????? This is puzzling because I haven't had any morning sickness or changed my diet in any way, but oh well, the doctor said he wasn't worried! Then I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! How amazing is it that there is this little being inside me growing and developing? I am so excited that I got to hear the heartbeat, but Johnny is kinda sad that he didn't get to hear it :( It’s heartbeat measured in at 161, which I think is super fast, but was told is normal and healthy! After that the doctor asked me a few questions and I was on my way!! I'm all about the 20 minute appointments! I think Johnny is going to come to the next appointment so that he can hear the heartbeat! This journey is crazy!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Projects R Us

I'm sure that Johnny didn't know that signing up for baby also meant signing up for Projects R Us, our very own family runned business. For what it's worth, neither did I! Since we found out about him/her, we have moved the office in it's entirety, created a new office in a nook we barely realized existed, installed a shelf above our bed, painted our old office for the new bambino, (deep breath) rushed into home depot at 30 minutes till close trying to cut and buy crown molding to cover our ceiling paint mess ups in the old office which lead to putting crown molding in every bed room upstairs (another deep breath), and last but not least...crib refurbishing. That's right, our friends Cara and David gave us this crib and told us to do with it what we is out of their attic and therefore we can paint it, toss it, whatever we want to it. We decided that painting a FREE crib would be better than tossing a FREE crib! People have mentioned that we are crazy to take on such a new business during my pregnancy, but I don't see it as a business (and if you haven't caught on, it's isn't a business at all) as much as I see it as an investment we are setting up for the future. Let's remember that it takes money to make money, and we will see our return in about 6 more months! All these extra little things will be worth it to make this child's life better than it can be. So for now, we will hold our paintbrushes high, breath through our masks, and push on as we see our business grow into what it can and will be! Wish us luck :) (Disclaimer: Projects R Us does not hire out for services. Please do not call looking for our handy skills to be put to use at your house! Thanks :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Competition Season Begins

So today was baby Stout's first cheer competition experience ever. I think he/she liked it for the most part, except when I started to yell and get excited! It made me light headed so I had to kneel down for a bit, causing me to miss a part of our cheer team's routine. Apparently, our child is already longing for attention! I knew this would happen, I just wasn't anticipating it in the womb :) Oh and about the competition, the girls did great! They are going to have a great season this year!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My loving Hubby.....

So Johnny and I have found a church home that we love attending, and are pushed to grow spiritually in. We attend service and go to a great Bible Study on Sunday nights. This Sunday in particular we were talking about 1Peter 3:1-7. For those of you who don't know, as I didn't, these are some contriversial verses on the role of Husbands and Wives. Not only are we as wives supposed to honor our husbands by working on inner beauty (thank goodness my husband finds great value in this...make up and great hair is too hard for me!) not external, but we are to lead holy lives and have a gentle and quiet spirit in the process. That means lead by example not by speaking :) On the opposite side of things, the Husband is supposed to honor his wife by respecting her as the physically weaker of the two sexes and more. This is not to be taken derogitorily, but as a command for men not to abuse their wives. At the end of our Bible Study we were asked ways in which our Husbands could honor us. I said that I love it when Johnny tells me that dinner is good. Easy enough! Well, this brings us to the present time. Johnny had Monday off of work and when I came home, he had primed the baby room all by himself. I was trying to let him off easy at Bible Study, but this was a HUGE way to honor his Wife!!! I know how much he HATES to paint, and so that he spent his day off doing that, he is living out biblical pricipals like a champ! I am so proud and so honored to be Johnny's wife. He makes a great husband and is going to be an amazing father! Thank you God for letting me share this amazing experiance with a great man!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Like a faucet....

So I cannot get over these crazy allergies. I have gone through 3 boxes of Kleenex in 3 days, no joke! My nose is a visual and stinging reminder of this fact :( I called the OB and tried switching my allergy medicine, that didn't work...then I tried Tylenol sinus, which my OB also suggested. Nothing! I guess God decided that instead of making me nauseous he is just going to turn my nose on like the water faucet. Seriously where does it all come from? My doc said that allergies are sometimes worse during pregnancy because of your mucus glands working over time to create protection for the baby. So what I am hoping is that this allergy, nose drip, throat itchy thing is over by the end of my first trimester like nauseous is supposed to be done by the 1st trimester.