Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday Night for the Stouts :)

This past Friday we wanted to get Joey a soccer ball, so we decided to head over to Dick's sporting goods in Allen. There is a cool park right by the store that has a child size train station, fire station, bank, and gas station. It was pretty cold, so we didn't stay long, but here are some pics!

Here's Joey waiting on the train :)

This is Joey looking out the bank window....

and here she is at the ATM...I wonder how much money she's got :)

Don't forget to get some gas! It's cheap at the park :)

There is also a hedge maze at this park. Johnny would hide and pop out when Joey came around the corner. She thought that was great! Here she's saying "Daddy????"

We did get Joey's soccer ball after the fun was over. She has loved being outside and all we have is a basketball, so we thought she would love this! We got her an Adidas ball with Pink on it....that's right folks, I said PINK!!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

We have a pink soccer ball too. It's all good!!